Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Date : 1.4.2020
Class : 12
Sub    : Physical Education
Period : 6th
Day     : 1
Time   : 11:35am -12:20 pm

Learning outcomes

  • Method of preparing a fixture for league tournaments
  • Meaning of Cyclic method
  • Meaning of Staircase method
  • Procedure to decide a winner incase of a draw.
A very good morning students
Today we come to the last part of chapter one.
We are going to learn the method of preparing a fixture for a league tournament.
The method is simple, you just need to concentrate on what is being shown in the video.
Before we start watching the video , i would like to highlight a few points

  1. The following methods are used for fixtures in a league tournament :
  • Cyclic Method
  • Staircase Method
  • Tabular  Method
  1. Method of deciding the winner in a league tournament

  •  British Method
  • American Method

Please go through the link provided.

Your assignment for the day
1) Please prepare a fixture of 6 teams on league basis according to cyclic method.
2) Prepare a fixture of 9 teams on league basis according to Staircase method
3) Write down the formula for the British Method.
4) Write down the method for the American Method

Revision worksheet of Unit 1(Entrepreneurial Oppurtunities)

Date : 1st April 2020
Sub : Entrepreneurship
Class : 12
Day 1
Period : 4th
Time  :10:00am - 10:45 am

Learning Outcomes

  • A revision of the complete chapter through a worksheet.
  • Preparing students with the kind of 1 mark objective type of question asked by the board.
  • A self assessment for the students.
  • A self assessment for the teacher.  
A very good morning students.
I pray for your well- being and safety and hope you are using your time in the most constructive manner.
We in our last interaction had come to the end of our first unit.( Entrepreneurial Oppurtunities )
The chapter includes the following sub parts
  • Meaning of Entrpreneurship, Entrepreneur and Enterprise.
  • Business Oppurtunity
  • Sensing Oppurtunities
  • Environment Scanning
  • Environment Analysis
  • Environment Factors.
  • Problem Identification
  • Idea Generation and Idea Fields
  • Product Identification
  • Market Assessment
  • Trend Spotting
  • Creativity and Innovation
This is what the first chapter comprises of.
Sending you a worksheet .Please try and do your  work on your own.
I will be sending the answers tomorrow so try and do the worksheet by yourself.
If at any point you need to refer to your previous videos or notes, you are free to do so. 

Fill in the blanks
1.   Strategic positioning is required to convert an idea into a(n) ____________
2.   Convenient frames of references for streamlining to process of generation of ideas are called __________
3.   Ideas should be examined for their real life use and ________.
4.   The demand assessment will be based on the ______ of market being targeted.
5.   The first stage in the process of innovation is _________.
6.   Seeding stage of a new idea is called _____________.
7.   The process of entrepreneurship which involves the translation of a useful idea into an application which has commercial value is known as ___________
8.   Even if the opportunity looks promising, an entrepreneur should look into the ___________ factors before choosing the best opportunity.
9.   The stage in which the idea re-surfaces in realistic way and the entrepreneur comes out with a viable plan is known as ______________
10.  The key factor to maintain competitiveness over competitors is ____________ research.

1.   It is not important to determine the cost of the product and its comparison with available products in the market. 
2.   Illumination is the subconscious assimilation of information.  
3.   Talk trends often include starting or joining groups or the networks and seeing what people are buzzing about the latest trends. 
4.   All ideas need to be assessed in terms of the potentiality of the opportunity before being termed as a sound business opportunity. 
5.   Ideas should be examined on the basis of expected annual turnover.
6.   Regularly visiting the place where the target customers hand out is known as think trends. 
7.   Idea germination is also called the validation stage. 
8.   Applying the resources in order to accomplish plans and delivering results is known as analytical planning. 
9.   Market research includes social and opinion research. 
10. Creativity cannot be applied to develop new products and services.  
Matching Items
1.  Identify the various sources of Idea fields.
i.   Opening of a water plant              a. Service sector ideas
ii.  E-commerce                                 b. Creative efforts
                                               c. Natural resources                                            
                                               d. Trading related ideas

2.  Identify the steps involved in idea and opportunity assessment.
i.   Obtain a concept of the product or service suggested by one idea       a. Cost
ii.   Helpful in deciding sale price.                                                             b. Competition
                                                                                                        c. Product identification                                                                                                          d. Level of operation

3.  What trends can be spotted through the following sources.
i.   Leading industry publications, websites, trade association sites.           a. Think trends 
ii.  Social networking websites/forums and starting or joining groups.       b. Talk trends
                                                                                                           c. Read trends  
                                                                                                           d.Watch trends

4.  Identify the factors which should be kept in mind while assessing the market.
i.   Study of prevailing innovations and                            a. Cost and Price of product.
     changes carried out by entrepreneurs.                                                                                            

ii.  Complete picture of quantities of the                           b. Demand
       product available in the market by            
              existing players.                                                           c. Supply and nature of  competition                                                                    
                                                                                             d.Project innovation and Change

5.  Match the meaning of the following steps in the process of creativity.
i.   Seeding stage                                                                          a. Incubation
ii.  Subconscious assimilation of information                              b. Verification
                                                                                           c. Idea germination                                                                                                                       d. Illumination

Multiple Choice Questions
1.  Renuka gathers all types of information related to her business regularly from all possible sources which lead to business boosting insights. Identify the way in which she is able to spot the trend.
a.  Talk trends
b.  Watch trends
c.   Think trends
d.  Read trends 

2.  Which of the following is also called testing stage?
a.  Incubation
b.  Verification
c.   Illumination
d.  Preparation

3.  Identify the process of entrepreneurship which involves the translation of a useful idea into an application that has commercial value.
a.  Innovation
b.  Creativity
c.   Environment scanning
d.  Market assessment

4.  Naman wants to start a business. He starts looking for the required information and reports on different websites regularly. He also reads leading industry publications and major newspapers and key business magazines. Identify the way in which Naman is trying to spot the trend.
a.  Read trend
b.  Think trend
c.   Talk trend
d.  Watch trend

5.  Out of the following identify the step involved in idea and opportunity assessment.
a.  Creative efforts
b.  Implementation
c.   Competition
d.  Project innovation and change

6.  Idea germination is the first step in the creative process where the entrepreneur recognizes that an opportunity exists. Identify the second step of the process.
a.  Illumination
b.  Preparation
c.   Commercial application
d.  Incubation 

7.  Kavita decided to start her own venture in Horticulture and was looking for various ideas. Identify the source from where she can get some good business ideas.
a.  Service sector ideas
b.  Trading related ideas
c.   Natural resources
d.  Existing products or services

8.  What is the result of strategically applying knowledge, skills, competencies and creativity to an idea?
a.  It becomes an opportunity
b.  It becomes a viable opportunity
c.   It is an innovation
d.  It is a part of resource organization

9.  The process of creating, developing and communicating ideas which are abstract and concrete is called
a.  Idea germination
b.  Creative process
c.   Innovative process
d.  Market assessment

10.  Varun decided to start his own travel agency creating specialized options for high-end tourists. Identify the idea field form where he must have possibly got the idea.
a.  Trading related ideas
b.  Natural resources
c.   Service sector ideas
d.  Market driven or demand driven ideas

Net Indirect Tax

Date : 1.4.2020
Sub  : Economics
Class: 12
Day  : 1
Period : 7
Time : 12:20pm - 1:00pm

Learning Outcomes

  • Meaning of Indirect Tax and Susidies.
  • What is the difference between Factor cost and Market price
  •  Calculation of the Net Indirect Tax.
  • Why is the Net Indirect Tax calculated.
A very good morning gentlemen.
Today we will be learning the treatment of Net Indirect Tax.
Net Indirect Tax ( NIT) =Indirect tax - Subsidies
NIT = Difference between Indirect Tax and Subsidies

Indirect Tax =Are those taxes which are imposed by the government on production and sale of goods and services.
Example = GST, Sales tax, Excise Duty etc

Subsidies = Are those financial assistance given by the government to an enterprise on theproduction of certain commodity.
Example =In India, LPG cylinder is sold at subsidised rates.

Factor cost = It is the actual cost of producing a commodity by the enterprise.
Market price = It is the cost at which the commodity will be sold in the market.

Im going to try and explain this concept to you on my own today.
Please read my explantion well. It will help you to understand the concept well.
You are to comment if you do not understand any part of my explanation.

Let us begin with our explanation.
Suppose there is an enterprise that produces Cigarettes.
We know that for the production of a commodity we require the Factors of Production ie Land, Labour, Capital and Entrepreneur.
These Factors of Production will get factor payments ie Land gets Rent, Labour gets Wages, Capital gets Interest and Entrepreneur gets Profit.
Taking a hypothetical example.
Let us assume that the Factors of Production recieve money for thier services.
Let us see the Factor cost of producing Cigarettes.

Re 1
RS 2
RS 3
RS 4
RS 10

From the above example you saw that the actual cost of producing Cigarettes ie Factor cost of producing cigarettes is Rs 10.
But the government believes that Cigarettes are injurious to health and therefore a hazardous substance.
The government says that those who want to purchase cigarettes will have to pay Rs 2 extra,
This Rs 2 is the Indirect tax that is charged by the government.
So now the cost of cigarettes in the market will be Rs 12 in the market.
Thus you can see that the Market Price of cigarettes is Rs 12.
How did we get the market price. We added the Indirect tax to the Factor cost
Through the above example we see that Indirect taxes are added 
Always remember Indirect taxes are added.

We are now going to see the treatment of subsidies.
Let us take the example of producing LPG cylinders.
Again taking the example above 
Let us see the Factor cost of producing LPG cylinders

Re 1
RS 2
RS 3
RS 4
RS 10

We see that the Factor cost of producing LPG cylinders is Rs 10.
The government believes that LPG cylinders are an  essential commodity for every household.
The government decides to give a Rs 2 subsidy for every cylinder to be sold in the market.
So the cylinders will be sold for Rs 8 ie (Rs 10 - Rs 2) in the market.
Thus we see that Market Price of LPG cylinders is Rs 8 whereas its Factor Cost (actual cost of producing it is Rs 10)
How did we get the Market Price.We substracted the subsidy given by the government..
From the above example we see that Subsidies are Substracted.  
Always remember Subsidies are substrated.

Coming to the most important part of the chapter.
If National Income is given in terms of Factor Income but we have to calculate it in terms of Market Price. How do we convert National Income in terms of Factor Income to Market Price.

Conversion of National Income in terms of Factor Cost to National Income in terms of Market Price

National Income (Market Price) = National Income(Factor cost)+ ( Indirect tax- Subsidies)
 National Income( Market Price) =    National Income(Factor Cost) + Net Indirect tax

Conversion of National Income given in terms of Market Price to National Income in terms of Factor Cost

National Income ( Factor Cost) = National Income ( Market Price) - ( Indirect tax - Subsidies)
                                                      National Income (Market Price)- Indirect tax + Subsidies 
                                                                The above happens when we open the bracket
 National Income ( Factor Cost) = National Income (Market Price)- Net Indirect Tax

Now if there is any difficulty in understanding my explanation, you can also refer to the video link sent below.

Let us try a sum

Suppose National Income ( Factor Cost )= Rs 1000
               Indirect  Tax                              = Rs  100
               Subsidy                                      = Rs  50
Calculate National Income in terms of Market Price

National Income ( Market Price) = National Income ( Factor Cost) + NIT( Indirect tax - subsidy)
                                                                                              Rs 1000 + ( Rs 100- 50)
                                                                                               Rs 1000 + Rs 50
                                                          National Income ( Market Price)= Rs 1050

1)  National Income( Factor Cost)= Rs 2000
      Indirect Tax                              =Rs 200
      Subsidy                                     =Rs 100
Calculate National Income in terms of Market Price

2) National Income ( Market Price)= Rs 5000
     Indirect tax                                  = Rs 100
     Subsidy                                        = Rs 50
C alculate National Income in terms of Factor Cost