Monday, March 23, 2020


Good morning students
We are going to look into the 2nd part of our first chapter which is PRE ,DURING AND POST RESPONSIBILITIES  of committiees.

1) To know the responsibilities of various committees throughout a tournament
2) What are the responsibilities of the commmittee before the tournament.
3)What are the responsibilities of the commmittee during  the tournament.
4)What are the responsibilities of the commmittee after  the tournament.

The explanation is given in your Physical education book from page 17 and 18.
I invite you to open to this page.
I am sending you a video on whatever is in the book under the heading  PRE,DURING AND POST responsibilities of a committee.
The video give you a very concise idea about the various responsibilities.
Make sure you copy them in your exercise copies
It will be very helpful for you during you exams.
The link is sent to you below.

I hope you have understood the topic.
If there are any queries you are free to ask me.

Your assignment for today is.It has to be done during our class hour timing given to us.


1) Which one of the following is not an objective of planning in sports.
a. Management of a tournament
b. Finding out the cause of failure
c. Distributing work according to ability
d. Acheiving the target on time

2) Recption committee for a tournemant is responsible for
a. Welcoming the participants
b. Arranging accommodation and meals for the participants
c. proper upkeep of the venues
d. welcoming the Cheif Guest and spectators at the opening and closing ceremonies.

3) The Boarding and Lodging Committee for a tournament arranges
a. the making of the budget of boarding and lodging
b. meals, refreshment and stay of the Chief Guest
c. accommodation and meals for the participants
d. refreshments for the participants and officials

1 mark question
a) What is planning in games and sports ?
b) Who is the head of the organising committee ?

3 or 4 mark question

a)Draw a flow chart of the various committee for organising track and fieldmeet.

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