Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Intramural and Extramural

A  very good morning students
The next topic that is given in your text books is how to prepare fixtures for knock out and league tournaments.
I will be skipping this topic for now as i prefer doing it with you when school reopens.
It is an important topic therefore i will do it in person with you
What we will be doing today is the meaning of Intramural amd Extramural their meaning ,objectives and significance and  Specific Sports program.

Before we begin i hope you have done yesterday's assignment.Answers are as follows
1) League cum knock out
2) 42
The answers to the subjective questions i will be discussing in class

Sending you the link for the video. Please watch the video from 10 minutes and 20 seconds onward because before that we have the explanation for drawing a fixture for league tournament.Just ignore that i will do it in class.

The concept is very simple but in case there is a doubt i am there to help you.

Once we have understood the concept i would invite you to do an assignment for me


  1. Peresent Sir - It's Ya boy "Christopher D'Rosario"
