Sunday, March 22, 2020


Good morning students
Today we shall learn the second part of the first chapter which is ENVIRONMENT SCANNING.
We all know the function of scanning.Scanning helps us to locate any VIRUS in our computer.
In the same way ENVIRONMENT SCANNING helps us to scan the environment.
The environment not only scans the threats(VIRUS) but also helps us to scan STRENGTHS .WEAKNESSES ,OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS in the environment.
Thus it is also called the SWOT analysis.

The learning objectives of our lesson would be
1) Meaning of environment scanning
2) To understand the need to scan the environment
3) Enlist the various factors affecting business environment.

The video link given to you below will have to be seen carefully.
My recommendation to you is to see the video in two parts.
Firstly i would like you to see the topic on meaning of environment scanning, need for environment scanning and the importance of environment.
Make notes exactly the same way the notes have been given in the video.The importance of environment she has explained well,understand it well ,learn the headings and you can write it in your own words.
The next part of the video i would like you to see is the Environment analysis.Do not proceed to this topic till you have learned and understood the first topic on environment scanning well.

An assignment for you to do after you have seen and understood the videos of yesterday and today.

2) Name the two things to be kept in mind while selecting an opportunity ?
3) list the elements of a business oppurtunity.
4) Enlist the factors involved in sensing oppurtunities.
5) If you dont adapt ,you dont endure ,is the core idea behind environment scanning. EXPLAIN
6) Give the full form of SWOT.

The above 6 questions have to be done in you entrepreneurship exercise copies.All students have to get the job done as the copies will be taken for correction once the school re-opens.

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