Friday, March 27, 2020

Creativity and Innovation

Date- 28/03/2020
Class 12

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the difference between Creativity and Innovation
  • Learn and understand the steps for the process of Creativity
  • Learn and understand the steps for the process of Innovation
A very good morning boys
We come to the last part of chapter 1.
What we are going to understand today is the process of both Creativity and Innovation.
You need to memorise the definition of Creativity and Innovation.
You need to memorise the steps in the process of Creativity and Innovation.
Once you have  understood as well as memorised the steps you can write the answer in your own words.
I am sending you a diagram for the process of creativity.

Below is given to you a link just like the previous blogs.
Please go through it.
It will help you to understand the topic very easily.

I hope after watching the video link things would have become clearer for you.

I am sending you some question and answers that you need to learn .It would be very helpful for you during you examination

Your assignment for today
You have to revise the chapter and write down the question answers in your exercise copies.