Thursday, March 26, 2020

Work sheet on Stock and Flow, Domestic Territory, Final and Intermediate good

A very good morning boys
Today i will not be sending any video link to you.
We are going to complete a worksheet on all that we have done till yesterday.
Those attending the class will have to do the worksheet together.
If there are any doubts i am available to you on the watsapp group

Learning Outcomes

  • To revise all that we have done
  • Clear any doubt that the student may be facing
  • Self assessment for the teacher himself.
  1. Classify the following as Final or  Intermediate  
  • Paper purchased by a publisher
  • Furniture purchased by a school
  • Milk purchased by a household
  • Purchase of rice by a grocery shop
  • Coal used by  manufacturing firms
  • Computers installed in an office
  • Coal used by a consumer household
  • Mobile sets purchased by a mobile dealer
  • Purchase of pulses by a consumer household
  • Chalks , dusters ,etc purchased by a school
  • Fertilizers used by the farmers
  • Printer purchased by a lawyer
  • Wheat used by the flour mill
  • Unsold coal with trader at year end
  • Cotton used by cloth mill
  • Wheat used by households
  • Refrigerator installed by a firm
  • Sugar used by a sweet shop

From the above image do only question numbers 1,2 ,3,6,10 and 11