Tuesday, March 24, 2020


A very good morning students
What we will be doind today is called the  BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT.
Basically we have two classifications of business environment namely INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT.
The video link sent explains beautifully both the environments.
Just want you to look at the first part of the video which is business environment.
The video also talks to you about PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION.I would like you to ignore that for todays class as i will be taking it up in the next class.
We need to understand only the business environment for todays class.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the classification of business environment
  • What is the significance of the PESTEL model
  • How to relate real life situations to business environment
The link given needs to be seen carefully.
Please make sure you have a pen and exercise copy to take down notes
Remember to watch only internal and external environment
Do not waste your time on watching the explanation on Problem Identification

For todays class i am sending you some question and answers 
Please make sure you go through them as it might come handy or useful during the examination time