Thursday, March 26, 2020

Procedure to draw a fixture for knock out tournaments

A very good morning class.
Our class yesterday was a very light topic on Intramurals and extramurals.
Today you would have to focus hard because the topic involves a little bit of calculations.
I will try my best to make it as simple as possible.

Learning Outcomes

  • To get students to draw a fixture for their class tournaments
  • Help them to know how fixtures are made 
  • Encourage them to take up Sports Administration in the future.
Before i  begin my explanation i would like you to watch the video on how to draw a fixture for a knock out tournament.
Please remember the video has more than what is required ,you only have to watch the part that talks about preparing a fixture for a knock out tournament.

Boys please make sure you watch the video uptil 29 minutes.
It might be difficult to understand it in the first attempt.
You will be connected to me through watsapp and we will learn it step by step.

I would like to highlight a few important points to you
  • The powers of 2 have to be kept in mind.Powers of 2 are 2,4 ,8,16,32 etc
  • How do i get them.
  • Total no.of matches =N-1 ( N is the no of teams participating)
  • Total no. of teams in upper half = N+1 ÷ 2
  • Total no. of teams in lower half = N-1 ÷ 2
  • No of byes  = Suppose there are 11 teams participating.
11 is not a power of 2.So what is the next power of 2 after 11.
The answer to the next power of 2 after 11 is 16
So now 16-11= 5 byes will be the no of byes that will be given.
Please remember 11 is the no of teams participating
  • Total no of rounds = Again 11 is not a power of 2. So what is the next power of 2 after 11. It is 16 and how did we get 16.We got it by 2x2x2x2 =16.To get 16 we multiplied 2 four times .Thus there will be 4 rounds in the tournament.
  • Total no of byes in upper half = NB - 1 ÷ 2 (NB is the no of byes)
  • Total no of byes in lower half = NB + 1  ÷ 2( NB is the no of byes)
Let us keep our class till this much.We can learn the rest in our next class.

I would like you to make a fixture of 11 teams for a knock out tournament. This is your assignment for this class.

Reminder: Only watch the video till the knock out tournament fixture.