Wednesday, March 25, 2020


A very good morning boys
We are going to continue from where we left yesterday.We had seen our last video on bsiness environment where we saw that business environment is divided into two parts ie micro and macro environment.
I am sending you the link that i had sent yesterday and you will start watching it exactly at 3 minutes.
the video will talk about Problem Identification.
It is a very simple topic which talks about how tou identify a problem, what are the objectives of Problem Identification and the uses of Problem Identification


  • How do businesses deal with problems
  • How business identifies problems
  • Various ways of having ideas to start a business

We now shift our focus to a very important topic which is Idea Germination and Idea fields.
Idea Fields is an important topic because you will get question that are value based and you will have to identify the Idea Field.
There are basically 6 Idea Fields

  1. Natural Resources
  2. Existing Product or Services
  3. Trading Related
  4. Creative Efforts
  5. Service Sector related ideas
  6. Market Driven Ideas
Each one of them has been explained individually.
I request you to see the video carefullu

Please remember that these idea fields are very important.

Here is a small assignment for you in which you will have to identify the idea field

Q) Priya ,a graduate of horticulture from Agra University came across a barren land near Solan when she visited this place.Priya was very fond of mangoes and was very inqusitive to find out why mangoes could not be grown there.She was told that the land was infertile for growing mangoes.She took it up as a challenge and believed in its success.Best quality mangoes mark the the beauty of that barren piece of land.
i) Identify and explain the Idea Field from where the idea has generated.
ii) Also explain and give one example each of four other Idea Fields which may generate useful product ideas.