Thursday, May 7, 2020

Enviornment and Sustainable Development

Date : 8.5.2020
Sub  : Economics
Day  : 4
Time : 10:45am- 11:25am
Period : 5
CLASS : 12

Learning Outcomes
  •  understand the concept of environment
  •  analyse the causes and effects of ‘environmental degradation’ and ‘resourcedepletion’
  •  understand the nature of environmental challenges facing India

A very good morning boys

Thank you for logging in

Today we shall be starting our 3rd chapter in Indian Economiv Development which is the 9th unit in our book.

ENVIRONMENT : It refers to the sum total of external forces surrounding us. 
                                   It includes all the biotic elements (birds,animals, plants,etc) as well as                                             abiotic( non-living) elements such as air, water sun, land, mountain, etc)

Functions of Environment
Environment performs the following four important functions.

1.  Supplies Resources for Production: Environmental resources ( such as minerals, wood,water, soilamd others which are available to us as a free gift of nature) are used as inputs in production. Environment provides renewable and non renewable resources.

Renewable resources - are those which can be used without the possibility of the resources becoming depleted or exhausted.Trees, Fishes etc.

NonRenewable resources - are those which get exhausted with their constant use. ex coal , petroleum, oil gas,etc

2.  Sustains Life : Some basic necessities of life ( sun, water,soil and air) are part of environment. Different kinds of plants and trees, birds, animals, etc. survive and grow only in their natural environment. so environment sustains life by providing these. 

3. Absorbs or Accimilates wastes : The process of production and consumption activities generates a lot of wastage, which is absorbed by the environment.

4. Provides Aesthetic Services : Environment includes land, forest, water bodies, rainfall,etc. People enjoy surroundings ( like that of hill stations) which help in improving quality of life.

However , environment is able to function these above mentioned functions only within its carrying capacity.
CARRYING CAPACITY : means the ability of the environment to absorb waste generated during the process of development.
If it does not happen , then environment will fail to perform its crucial functions leading to a situation referred to as " ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS"

Sending you a PDF of the chapter through watsapp

Please go through the video link to understand the above given notes better

Please refer to the NCERT PDF  i am sending you .The state of Environment ibn India is very simple.I would like you to go through it from the PDF sent.It involves Air Pollution, its causes. then Water Pollution and its causes. Degradation of Land and its causes . Deforestation and its causes , loss of bio diversity and its causes, etc.Please go through them by yourself as it is very simple.

In my next blog i will be discussing Sustainable Economic Development

your assignment
1. Define (i)Environment, (ii)Reneable Resources, (iii)Non renewable resources,(iv) Carrying Capacity and(v) Environmental Crisis

2.State the four functions of Environment


  1. Good morning sir Anmol Gupta 12 B

  2. Good morning sir
    Shashwat Jain 12-B

  3. Good morning sir
    Prince Joseph 12B

  4. Good morning sir!
    Swaraj Swarup Aggarwal,

  5. Good morning Sir. Nakul Kapur, Class 12-B

  6. Good morning sir Utkarsh heer 12b

  7. Good morning Sir
    Siddhant 12 B

  8. Good morning sir
    Isaac samuel 12-B

  9. Good morning sir
    Swayam Khandelwal

  10. Good Morning sir
    Ishaan Malik 12-B

  11. Good morning sir John Pius XII B

  12. good morning sir shashwat singh 12 b

  13. Good morning sir
    Karman singh

  14. Good Morning Sir
    Jot Parkash

  15. Good morning sir Mohammad Abdullah 12-b

  16. Good morning sir Mohammad Abdullah 12-b

  17. Good morning sir. Keshav khurana 12+B

  18. Good morning sir Justin Singh 12 B
