Thursday, May 21, 2020

Holiday Homework( Class 11 Project Work)

Date : 22.5.2020

Dear boys 

Given below is a guide to your Project work

You have 3 parts to the guide( Option 1,2 and 3)    

You will have to choose any one option(topic) and do only one project

Please go through the guidelines and select a topic and start working on it during the holidays

I. Project (Option One) : What’s Going Around Us
The purpose of this project is to –
Enable the student to understand the scope and repercussions of various Economic events and happenings taking place around the country and the world. (eg. The Dynamics of the Goods & Services Tax and likely impacts on the Indian Economy or the Economics behind the Demonetisation of 500 and 1000 Rupee Notes and the Short Run and Long Run impact on the Indian Economy or The impact of BREXIT from the European Union etc.)
Provide an opportunity to the learner to develop economic reasoning and acquire analytical skills to observe and understand the economic events.
Make students aware about the different economic developments taking place in the country and across the world.
Develop the understanding that there can be more than one view on any economic issue and to develop the skill to argue logically with reasoning.
Compare the efficacy of economic policies and their respective implementations in real world situations and analyse the impact of Economic Policies on the lives of common people.
Provide an opportunity to the learner to explore various economic issues both from his/her day to day life and also issues which are of broader perspective.
Scope of the project: Student may work upon the following lines:
  • Introduction
  • Details of the topic
  • Pros and Cons of the economic event/happening
  • Major criticism related to the topic (if any)
  • Students’ own views/perception/ opinion and learning from the work
  • Any other valid idea as per the perceived notion of the student who is actually working and presenting the Project-Work.
Mode of presentation and submission of the Project: At the end of the stipulated term, each student will present the work in the Project File (with viva voce) to the external examiner.
Marking Scheme: Marks are suggested to be given as –
 S. No.
 Marks Allotted
 Relevance of the topic
 Knowledge Content/Research Work
 Presentation Technique
 20 marks
The external examiner should value the efforts of the students on the criteria suggested.
Suggestive List
1. Micro and small scale industries
2. Food supply channel in India
3. Contemporary employment situation in India
4. Disinvestment policy
5. Health expenditure (of any state)
6. Goods and Services Tax Act
7. Inclusive growth strategy
8. Human Development Index
9. Self help groups
10. Any other topic
II. Project (Option Two): Analyse any concept from the syllabus The purpose of this project is to –
  • Develop interest of the students in the concepts of Economic theory and application of the concept to the real life situations.
  • Provide opportunity to the learners to develop economic reasoning vis-a-vis to the given concept from the syllabus.
  • Enable the students to understand abstract ideas, exercise the power of thinking and to develop his/her own perception
  • To develop the understanding that there can be more than one view on any economic issue and to develop the skill to argue logically with reasoning
  • Compare the efficacy of economic policies in real world situations
  • To expose the student to the rigour of the discipline of economics in a systematic way
  • Impact of Economic Theory/ Principles and concepts on the lives of common people
Scope of the project:
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled in the project.
Explanation of the concept:
  • Meaning and Definition
  • Application of the concept
  • Diagrammatic Explanation (if any)
  • Numerical Explanation related to the concept etc. (if any)
  • Students’ own views/perception/ opinion and learning from the topic..
Mode of presentation and submission of the Project:
At the end of the stipulated term, each student(s) will present their work in the Project File (with viva voce) to the external examiner
Suggested List
 Price Determination·
 Price Discrimination·
 Opportunity Cost·
 Production Possibility Curve·
 Demand and its determinants·
 Supply and its determinants·
 Production – Returns to a Factor·
 Cost function and Cost Curves·
 Oligopoly· Monopoly ·
 Monopolistic Competition·
 Credit Creation·
 Money Multiplier·
 Central Bank and its functions·
 Government Budget· & its Components
 Exchange Rate Systems· Budget deficit ·
 Foreign Exchange Markets·
 Balance of payments·
 Any other topic·
Some more topics for CBSE class 11 commerce Economics Part C Project Work
Some of the examples of the CBSE class 11 commerce Economics Part C Project Work as follows (they are not mandatory but suggestive):
1. A report on demographic structure of your neighborhood.
2. Changing consumer awareness amongst households.
3. Dissemination of price information for growers and its impact on consumers.
4. Study of a cooperative institution: milk cooperatives, marketing cooperatives, etc.
5. Case studies on public private partnership, outsourcing and outward Foreign Direct Investment.
6. Global warming.
7. Designing eco-friendly projects applicable in school such as paper and water recycle.
CBSE class 11 commerce Economics Part C Project Work
CBSE class 11 commerce Economics Part C Project Work – The idea behind introducing this unit is to enable the students to develop the ways and means by which a project can be developed using the skills learned in the course. This includes all the steps involved in designing a project starting from choosing a title, exploring the information relating to the title, collection of primary and secondary data, analyzing the data, presentation of the project and using various statistical tools and their interpretation and conclusion.
World Trade Organization – A Critique
Essays on the Role of Specific Human Capital
Performance of Automobile Sector Post Liberalization Regime
Lessons from Economic Financial Crises in Recent Times
Global Economic Crises
Consumer Behaviour for Green Products
Contribution of Educated But Unemployed Women to Economy
Free Trade and Development
Bioenergy, Pollution, and Economic Growth
Marriage Markets, Differential Fecundity and Search
MNREGA: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
India’s Fiscal Deficit and Its Impact on Gross Domestic Product
Capacity Utilization
Heterogeneity and Input Reallocation
Monetary Policy in a Bipolar International Monetary System
Growth and Determination of Foreign Investment in India
Contribution of IT Sector in Indian Economy
U.S. Monopolies : A Glimpse Inside
Supply Chain Finance
Divergences in the Euro Area
Progressive Study of an Educational Institute
Production Structure Of Indian Power Sector
Economies Of Scale
Monitoring and Market Power in Loan Markets
Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles Industry
Bank Regulation in Argentina
The State of the Indian Economy
The Delhi Metro Project
Fiscal Policy
Importance of Human Capital in Export Performance
RBI and Financial Services
Growth in Indian Banking Sector
Demand Forecast for XYZ Company
Responses to Incentives in Public Expenditure Programs
Political Influences on Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility and Nongovernmental Organizations
The Modern Firm’s International Expansion
Monitoring and Modelling Inflation in China
Employer-Employee Relationships and Firm Performance
Trade Patterns in Europe
An Interest Group Theory of Financial Development
Time Inconsistency in the Credit Card Market
Multiple Exchange Rate Systems
Public and Development Economics
Internationalisation of Companies
The Macroeconomics of Rare Events
Growth of Car Industry in India
Comparative Institutional Economics
Macroeconomic Policy and Analysis
Financial Contagion in Emerging Markets
Informational Frictions and Learning in Emerging Markets
Decentralization and Education
Job Flows Dynamics
Budgetary Institutions: Theory and Evidence
Economics of Education
Internationalization of the Ethnic Food Industry
China as a Regulatory State

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