Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Remedial (continuation of collection of Data)

Collection of Data ( Continued )

Date : 24.4.2020
Sub  : Economics
Class : 11

Learning Outcomes

  • Students learn the method of collecting Primary Data
  • Students learn the method of collecting Secondary Data
  • Suitability of the method
  • Merits and De-Merits of the method
A very good morning students

Thank you for logging in

Yesterday's class we had learnt the first three methods of collecting Primary Data

Today we will be learning the last and fourth method which is:


There are two ways of collecting information on the basis of questionnaires :
  • MAILING METHOD : Under this method ,questionnaires are mailed to the informants.A letter is attatched with the questionnaire giving the purpose of enquiry.( study) .It is also assured that the information would be kept secret.The informant notes the answers against the questions and returns the completed questionnaire to the investigator.

Suitability: - The area of study is very wide
                    - The informants are educated

Merits :
1. Economical : The method is economical in terms of time, money and effort involved.

2. Wide Coverage : This method allows wide coverage of the area of study.

De-Merits :
1. Lack of Interest : Generally, the informants do not take interst in questionnaires and fail to return the questionnaires.Those who return, often send incomplete answers.

2. Lack of Flexibility : The method lacks flexibility. When questions are not replied properly, these cannot be changed to obtain the required information.

3. Limited Use : Since the questionnaires can be answered by only educated informants , the method has limited use. The method cannot be used for uneducated informants.

The Second method of collecting data through questionnaires and schedules is

ENUMERATOR'S METHOD : Under this method, a questionnaire is prepared according to the purpose of enquiry. The enumerator himself approaches the informant with the questionnaire.The questionnaires are filled by the enumerators themselves by putting questionsare called schedules. Under this method , the enumerator himself fills the schedules after getting the information from the informants. ( Enumeratos are those people  who help the investigator in collecting the data.) The enumerators are given training to fill the schedules and put the questions intelligently to obtain accurate information.

Suitability : - Most suitable in case a high degree of accuracy is required.
                     - The investigator needs specialised and skilled investigator


1. Accuracy : There is fair degree of accuracy in the results because investigations are done by specialised enumerators.

2. Personal Contact : Unlike in case of Mailing questionnaires, there is personal contact with informants in this method.Thus,right and accurate answers are obtained.

3Completeness: Schedules have the merit of completeness because these are filled in by enumerators themselves.

De-Merits :

1. Expensive : This is a very expensive method of investigation because of the involvement of trained investigators.

2 Time  Consuming : Enumerators may need specialised training for particular investigation. The process of investigation thus becomes time consuming

3. Difficult to conduct in case of a large population.

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