Sunday, May 3, 2020

Yoga and Lifestyle( Diabetes and Asthama)

Date : 4.5.2020
Sub  : Physical Education
Day  : 1
Time : 11:35am- 12:20pm
Period : 6
CLASS : 12

Learning Outcomes

  • Preventive Asanas for both Diabetes and Asthama
  • Procedures for the Asanas
  • Contraindication and Benefits of the Asanas
A very good morning students 

Thank you for logging in

Today we will be doing the Asanas to prevent Diabetes and Asthama

We will be learning the Procedures, Benefits and Contraindications of the Asanas

We will be learning of  meaning of asanas and the benefits of asanas as aprevention of Diseases

Let us begin with Diabetes

It is a disorder that causes sugar to build up in our blood stream instead of  being used by the cells in our bodies.
When our body does not produce sufficient amounts of Insulin or when Insulin does not work properly , diabetes occurs.

There are two types of diabetes :

1. Type I diabetes - the pancreatic gland does not produce insulin. Therefore injection of insulin is required daily for its treatment.

2. Type II diabetes - the body does not produce sufficient amount of insulin hormone or hormone is produce sufficiently but it is not used properly by the body.

Diabetes can be prevented as well as cure if the following asanas are performed regularly.

  1. Bhujangasana
  2. Paschimottanasana
  3. Pawanmuktasana
  4. Ardhmatseyendrasana
The Procedure , benefits and the contraindications are given in the notes

Let us now look at the procdure , benefits and contraindications for Asthama.

Asthama is a disease of Lungs in which the airways become block causing difficulty in breathing. 

The airways swell up and produce extra mucus.

The Procedure , benefits and the contraindications are given in the notes

Please go through the video link to understand both the Asanas better