Monday, May 18, 2020

Revision for Domestic Territory

DAY: 2
TIME     : 10:45am- 11:25am
Class      :12
Subject   : Economics

Learning Outcomes

  • Revision of early part of the cource
  • Refresh the students of subject matter that was done long time ago
A very good morning students 

Thank you for logging in

Sending you revision work that took place in our second class

Please go through it and clarify any doubts you have by writing in the comment section

A very good morning boys
Today we will be learning a very very important concept.
We are going to learn what is the DOMESTIC TERRITORY of a country.
Who are NORMAL RESIDENTS of a country.
Im very sure you are going to enjoy yourself and would be jumping to ask me as many questions as possible.
I would love to clarify your doubts.
Hope you are rearing to go.

Learning Outcomes

  1. To understand difference in domestic territory and international territory
  2. What are international waters
  3. Who is a normal resident of a country
  4. Concept of citizenship

Before i begin i would like to send you the answers for yesterday's work

Lets begin our class for today
please listen to the video very carefully and make notes for yourself

Once you have understood everything i invite you to get down to some assignments.
These assignments have to be kept well.once the school reopens i will be checking them

Your assignment for today