Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Remedial (Qualities of a good Questionanaire)

Qualities of a Good Questionnaire

Date : 20.5.2020
Sub  : Economics
Class : 11

Learning Outcomes

  • Students learn how an investigator prepares a good questionnaire
  • Sources of collection of  secondary data from Published sources
  • Sources of collection of secondary data from Unpublished sources
A very good morning students

Thank you for logging in

I hope you have been going through my notes for the second chapter ( Collection of Data )

Today we will be ending this chapter

We will be learning :
  • What are the Qualities of a Good questionnaire 
  • Sources of collection of  secondary data from Published sources
  • Sources of collection of secondary data from Unpublished sources
In the context of Primary data, construction of questionnaires and schedules has a special significance.
The set of questios in questionnaires and schedules are similar.
The difference between the two is that , in questionnaires , the entire informtaion is recorded by the informants themselves. In schedules , the information  supplied by the informants is recorded by the enumerators.

Qualities of a Good Questionnaire 

1. Limited number of questions : The number of questions in a questionnaire should be as limited as                                                               possible.Questions should be only relating to the purpose of enquiry.

2,. Simplicity                                 : Language of the questions should be simple and clear. Questions                                                                 should be short, not long or complex. Mathematical questions must                                                               be  avoided.

3.No Undesireable Questions    : Undesireable or personal questions must be avoided. Questions must                                                          not offend the informants.

4.Non - Controversial                 : Questions should be such that  they can be answered impartially. No                                                            contoversial questions should be asked.

5. Calculations                            : Questions involving calculations by the respondents must be avoided.                                                          Investigator himself should do the calculation job.

6. Instructions                            : A questionnaire must show clear instructions for filling in the form.

7. Request for return                 : Request should be made to the respondents to return the                                                                                questionnaire completed in all respects. The informant must be                                                                      assured that the information conveyed by him will be treated as                                                                      confidential.

Collection of Secondary Data

There are two main sources of secondary data : 
  • Published Sources
  • Unpublished Sources

Published Sources

1. Government Publications                     : Ministries of the Central and State Governments in India                                                                                   publish a variety of Statistics as their routine activity. As                                                                                 these are published by the Government, data are fairly                                                                                     reliable. Examples of Government publications are :                                                                                         Statistical Abstract of India, Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,                                                                              etc

2. Journals and Papers                             : Many Newspapers such as 'The Economic Times', as well as                                                                           magazines such as 'Commerce,  facts for you' also supply a                                                                           large variety of Statistical information.

3. Publications of Research Scholars      : Individual research scholars also sometimes publish their                                                                                research work containing some useful statistical information.

4. International Publications                     : International organisations such as UNO, IMF,  World Bank,                                                                               ILO, and Foreign governments etc also publish a lot of                                                                                     Statistical information. These are used as Secondary data. 

Dear boys from the above Published Sources you are to learn only 2 sources.

Unpublished Sources

There are some unpublished secondary data as well. These data are collected by the government organisations and others, generally for their self use or office records. These data are not published. These Unpublished numerical information may, however, be used as secondary data.

Your assignment

1. What are the two sourcec of data ?
2. Distinguish between Primary and Secondary sources of data.
3. Define Primary data and Secondary data. Give one example each.
4. What are the main methods of collecting Primary data ?
What is meant by Direct Personal Investigation ? Give its Merits and De-Merits
6. What is meant by Indirect Oral Investigation ? Give its merits and de-merits
7. What is the difference between questionnaire and schedules?
8. What are the qualities of a good questionnaire?
9. What are the main sources of Secondary data ? 
10. Define the Terms (i) investigator  (ii) enumerator   (iii) respondent  (iv) witness

Boys if my assignment is done by you , your preperation of the 2nd chapter will be done.

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