Monday, May 18, 2020

Revision for Types of disorder

Types of Disorder,Causes and Nature

Date : 19.5.2020
Sub  : Physical Education
Day  : 1
Time : 11:35am -12:20pm
Period : 6
CLASS : 12

Learning outcomes :

  • To help students understand what is disorder
  • Its various causes
  • Nature of disorder
Dear students 
A  very good morning
Today we are going to look at what are the type of disorders and what are the causes for it.
Boys i will be sending you the same video that i had sent in my previous class.
The last class video had both disability and disorder explained in it.
You were asked only to watch the video till the disability.
In todays link you will start watching from disorder.

Sending you the notes for disorder

Please go through the video link
I would request you to start watching the video link from 11 minutes 40 seconds.
From here on we start the Types of Disorder.

Your assignment for the day.
1) Give the full form of the following

  • ADHD
  • SPD
  • ASD
  • ODD
  • OCD
2)  State any 2 causes of the above stated
3) Explain what is OCD.Write a short note on it