Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Pictorial worksheet ( Entrepreneurship)

Date : 14.5.2020
Sub  : Entrepreneurship
Day  : 4
Time : 7.30am -8.10am 
Period : 1 
Class    : 11

Learning Outcome

  • Pictorial memorisation of the chapter
  • Students come to know important answers if they do the worksheet
  • Practise of some pictorial representation that may come in the Board exam
A very good morning students

Thank you for logging in

Today we will be revising the pictorial questions in the chapter

Please make sure you do your work honestly and most importantly you complete it, even if you have to take the help of the exercise book.

    1.      Complete the motivational process:

     2.   Identify the universal needs as proposed by Abraham Maslow in the hierarchy represented below.



3.      Complete the diagram that depicts the qualities which guides an entrepreneur.
1    4.      Identify the motives that drive an entrepreneur as per David McClellands theory of needs.

5    5.    Attitudes are acquired from following sources:

     6.   Three motives of McClelland theory of needs can be classified as
    7.   Identify the Entrepreneurial Competency which is missing from the diagram?

      8.   Which core value of an entrepreneur is exhibited in the diagram?

    9.   Identify the Entrepreneurial Competency exhibited by the cartoon character?

    10.   The employee within a company is assigned a special project and are instructed to develop a project like the entrepreneur, with resources provided by the company.   Who is this employee ?


  1. Good morning sir
    Erick Anthony Francis

  2. Good morning Sir
    Sabhya Singh 11 F

  3. Good morng sir. Aditya Jonathan Singh 11 F
