Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Remedial (Importance of Statistics)

Importance of Statistics

Date : 20.5.2020
Sub  : Economics
Class : 11

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will understand the importance of Statistics
  • Role of government in formulating Policies
  • Meaning of Inter-sectoral and Inter- temporal
  • Meaning of Equilibrium
Good morning students
Thank you for logging in.God Bless you
Today we are going to finish with our first chapter.
Wewill be learning the Importance of Statistics.
I will be giving you some notes for the Importance of Statistics
Once you have read it please go through the video link that i will give.
The video link will make your understanding of the topic very easy.
If there is anything that you dont understand please write on the comment section and i will be happy to answer your questions.

Sending the notes for you

Once you have gone through the notes i would like you to go through the video link given below