Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Notes on Sports and nutrition

Date : 13.5.2020
Sub  : Physical Education
Day  : 3
Time : 8:20am-9am
Period : 2
Class    : 12

Learning Outcome

  • Students will be able to learn the chapter in a much easier way
  • Revision of the chapter
  • Condensed form of the chapter
A very good morning students 

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Sending you notes on Sports and Nutrition

Please learn it well ,it will be very useful for the coming examination

 Food intolerance: Food intolerance means an inability to digest a particular food ingredient or substance is called food intolerance. It means the individual element of certain food that cannot be properly processed and absorbed by the digestive system.

Healthy-Weight: Healthy weight is that body weight which allows an individual to lead a healthy life without any risk of diseases. The healthy weight is determined with the use of height and weight chart or calculated by the BMI using the height, weight data. Methods to control ‘Healthy Body Weight’: l Set appropriate goal l Monitor the calorie intake. l Health is more important than losing weight l Healthy life style l Regular physical exercise l Pranayam l Balance diet l Avoid skipping meals.

Nutritive and Non-nutritive components of diet
Nutritive components of diet:

i) Carbohydrate: The main source of providing energy. Starch - It obtains from wheat, maize, beet, potato, rice, coneflower etc. Sugar – It obtains from Milk, beet, sugarcane, honey. Cellulose - It obtains from cereals, vegetables, fruits etc.

ii) Fats: Animals sources – Ghee, Butter, Curd, Fish Oil, Milk, Meat, Egg. Vegetable Sources- Soyabean, Olive, Mustard, Coconut, Groundnut, etc.

iii) Proteins: • Form new tissues; Repair the broken tissues; Regulate balance of water and acids; Transport oxygen and nutrients. • Excessive proteins cause heart disease, kidney stones. • Deficiency of proteins cause disease like Marasmus and Kwashiorkar. Sources – Milk, pulses, cereals, cheese, etc.

iv) Vitamins: (i) Vitamin A –[Milk, Mango, Papaya]; Its deficiency causes ‘night blindness’. • Helps in formation of bones and teeth.
(ii) Vitamin B –[Milk, Sunlight, Butter]; Its deficiency causes ‘Rickets’ dental cavity. • Maintains the level of calcium and phosphorus.
(iii) Vitamin E – [Pulses, Cereals, Green leafy vegetables] • Keeps skin healthy; helps in curing cancer; to prevent heart attacks; maintains normal functioning for reproductive organs.
(iv) Vitamin K – [Tomato, Potato, Wheat, Soyabean]; Its deficiency causes ‘Anaemia’. • Helps to clot the blood.
(v) Vitamin C –[Lemon, Pineapple, Guava, Amla, Oranges, Apple]; Its deficiency causes ‘Scurvy’. • Maintains healthy gums and teeth.

V) Minerals: Calcium (Milk), Potassium (Green Vegetables), Iodine (Salt), Iron (Dry Fruits) Non Nutritive components of diet:

i) Fibre or Roughage: It has no nutrient value. It is undigested part of the food. It prevents constipation. Source – Fresh fruits, Vegetables, Oats.

ii)Water: It carries the nutrients to various cells of the body through blood. Blood comprises 90% of water. Water is significant in the excretion of waste products. It also regulates the body temperature. About 20% of water intake comes from food and remaining intake comes from drinking water.

iii) Colour Compounds: Colour compounds make food more appetizing and attractive.

iv) Flavour Compounds: Flavour compounds e.g. acidic food provides sour taste while alkaline food provides a bitter taste.

v) Plant Compounds: – There are many quantity, may increase heart-rate and urination.