Friday, May 8, 2020

Sustainable Development

Date : .95.2020
Sub  : Economics
Day  : 5 
Time : 10:45am- 12:20pm
Period : 5 and 6
CLASS : 12


Welcome to another day at, home!

Trust you have read the first half of the chapter on Environment. There shouldn’t be any doubts as it’s an oft repeated topic.

Let’s proceed with the second part of the chapter...Sustainable development.

We all know what sustainable development means...let’s focus now on how it can be achieved.

Learning Objectives...
On completion of the chapter, you will be able to
1. define sustainability
2. list the main features of sustainable development
3. suggest ways to achieve sustainable development
4. describe various strategies for sustainable development in the country
5. relate environmental issues to the larger context of sustainable development.

Salient points of the chapter...

Sustainable development is that process of development which meets the needs of present generation without reducing the ability of future generation to meet their own needs.
Main features of sustainable development are:
(i) Sustained rise in Real per Capita Income and Economic welfare.
(ii) Rational use of natural resources.
(iii) No reduction in the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs.
(iv) Check on pollution.

To achieve sustainable development, the following needs to be done:

(i) Limiting human population.
(ii) Technological progress should be input efficient and not input consuming.
(iii) Renewable resources should be extracted on a sustainable basis (within the carrying capacity), i.e. the rate of extraction should not exceed rate of regeneration.
(iv) For non-renewable resources, rate of depletion should not exceed the rate of creation of renewable substitutes.
(v) Inefficiencies arising from pollution should be corrected.

Strategies for Sustainable Development.

(i) Use non-conventional sources of energy.
(ii) Use cleaner fuels: LPG, Gobar-gas in rural areas and CNG in Urban areas.
(iii) Use solar energy and wind power.
(iv) Shift to organic farming.
(v) Recycle waste
(vi) Encourage public means of transport
(vii) Re-develop and use traditional knowledge and practices.
(viii) Establish Mini-Hydel plants.
(ix) Encourage Biopest Control

Task 1:
Read the rest of chapter 9

Use the pdf sent on the class WhatsApp group.

Task 2:
Please go through the video link given below to understand the topic better

The video also includes what i had asked you to study yesterday on your own

Task 3:
Attempt the following questions in your Eco register. You have a long break coming up. We’ll do a few more in the next class. Finish these today itself so that you can take an enjoyable break from studies for a couple of days.

 1.What is meant by environment? (1)

2. What is sustainable development? (1)

3. What are the two major environmental issues facing the world today? Define both. (3)
(Hint : Ozone depletion and global warming)

4. Explain how the opportunity costs of negative environmental impact are high. (4)
 (Hint: Opportunity cost is the cost of alternative opportunity given up. The country has to pay huge amount for damages done to human health. The health cost due to degraded environmental quality have resulted in diseases like asthma, cholera, etc. Huge expenditure is incurred in treating these diseases. Further, the cost incurred on cleaning up the environment is equally high which could be avoided through a more responsible use fr resources and maintaining the environment's quality to begin with.) 

5.What happens when the rate of resource extraction exceeds that of their regeneration? (3)

6.How do the following factors contribute to the environmental crisis in India? What problem do they pose for the government? (2 marks each)
(i) Rising population
(ii) Air pollution
(iii) Water contamination
(iv) Affluent consumption standards
(v) Illiteracy
(vi) Industrialisation
(vii) Urbanisation
(viii) Reduction of forest coverage
(ix) Poaching
(x) Global warming.


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  2. Good morning sir
    Isaac samuel 12-B

  3. Good morning sir
    Armaan Oberoi 12-B

  4. Good Morning Sir
    Shashwat singh 12 b

  5. Good morning Sir . Nakul Kapur, Class 12-B.

  6. Good morning sir
    Akhil Sharma 12-B

  7. Good morning sir
    Amaan swaleh 12 B

  8. Good morning sir
    Shashwat Jain 12-B

  9. Good morning sir dominic Gomes 12B

  10. Good Morning Sir
    Jot Parkash

  11. Good Morning Sir
    Jot Parkash

  12. Good morning sir. Keshav khurana 12-B

  13. Good morning sir
    Meet Sethi
    12 B

  14. Good morning sir
    Justen Mathew 12-B

  15. Good morning sir
    Swayam Khandelwal

  16. Good Morning sir
    Ishaan Malik 12-B

  17. Good afternoon sir
    Siddhant Kenneth Gunjyal
    12 B

  18. Good afternoon sir Utkarsh heer 12b

  19. Good afternoon sir
    Mohammad Abdullah
