Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Remedial ( Primary and Secondary data)


Date : 20.4.2020
Sub  : Economics
Class : 11

Learning Outcomes

  • Meaning of Primary Data
  • Meaning of Secondary Data
  • Difference between Primary and Secondary Data
A very good morning students 
Thank you for logging in
Today we commence with our second chapter ( Primary and Secondary Data)

Meanigs you should know
  • Investigator ( field worker) : They are persons who ask people for an interview to get information for a Statistical study.
  • Respondents : These are people who are interviewed and they offer basic information
  • Population or Universe: The population or universe represents the entire group of units which is the focus of the study. 

PRIMARY DATA : Primary source of data implies collection of data from its source of origin.It offers you first hand quantitative information relating to your Statistical study.
Example : Data collected by yourself or with the help of Investigators or Field workers.
Primary data is First Hand information

SECONDARY DATA : Secondary source of data implies collection of data from some agency or institution which already happens to have collected the data through Statistical survey(s).
It does not offer you first hand informationrelating to your statistical study.You rely on the information which is already existing.
Example : Data on Population collected from the Government.
It means that you do not conduct a survey by yourself but rely on some other agency to give you the data.
These data may be available in the form of Published or Unpublished reports.

 The following are some difference between Primary and Secondary data

  1. Difference in Originality : Primary data are Original because these are collected by the investigator from the source of their origin.whereas Secondary data are already in existence and therefore , are not original.
  2. Difference in Cost of collection : Primary data are costlier in terms of time, money and efforts involved than the Secondary data.This is because primary data are collected for the first time from their source of origin.whereas Secondary data are simply collected from published or unpublished reports.Thus, these are much less expensive.
  3. Editing Required : Less Editing is required in primary data whereas Secondary data requires more editing.
  4. Precaution : Primary data should be collected by effecient and reliable Enumerators . The data should be accurate and Impartial.whereas Secondary data should be collected from reliable sources.The must be Current and Updated data..It should be accurate and adequate.
To sum up the distinction between Primary and Secondary data is one of the degree.Data which are Primary in the hands of one party may be secondary in the hands of the other.

For your assignment please write down the definitions of Primary and Secondary data and learn the difference between Primary and Secondary data.

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