Thursday, April 23, 2020

Agriculture 1950 - 1990

Date : 24.4.2020
Sub  : Economics
Class : 12
Day   : 4
Period : 5
Time    : 10:45am- 11:25am

Learning Objectives 

  • Importance of Indian Agriculture
  • Problems of Indian Agriculture
  • Through the points explained above students come to know the state of Agriculture from 1950-1990
 A very good morning students 

Thank you for logging in 

I hope you have understood the objectives of the five year plan plans ,

Today we will be looking at the importance and problems of agriculture during 1950 -1990


1. Contribution to National Income : - 1950-51  59% of India's National Income was generated                                                                     from agricultural sector.

                                                                - Though agricultural development programmes got                                                                               importance but the non-agricultural sector grew at a                                                                         faster rate.

                                                                - Presently (2014-2015) share of agricultural sector has                                                                         declined to just 17.4%.

2. Supply of Food Grains :             - Foodgrains and Fodder are basic and essential and basic                                                                   commodities for living.

                                                          -  Food requirements of 1.3 billion Indians are also met by                                                                    the agriculture sector.

                                                          - India is now self sufficient in foodgrains ,especially in                                                                        wheat  and   rice.

                                                          - Fodder for nearly 25 crore livestock is also available from                                                                 agriculture sector.

3. Source of Employment  :            - In 1951 , about 72% of the working population was                                                                             engaged  in  agriculture.

                                                          - By 1991 it has come down to 66%

                                                          - 2014 it has further come down to 47.1%.

                                                         - Still considered as a major source of livelihood.

4.Supply of Raw Materials :        - The agricultural sector provides raw materials to industrial                                                              sector.

                                                        - The industrial sector would require wood, cotton , jute, etc                                                                to  run and it is the agricultural sector that can provide these                                                            raw  materials.

5 Market for Industrial sector :  - There are a lot of Industries that are dependent on                                                                              Agricultural sector.

                                                        - Agricultural industries nees Fertilizers, Pesticides, Tractors,                                                            etc. Thus, the Agricultural sector is a Market for Industrial                                                              sector.


1. Lack of Irrigation Facility :   - The Indian farmers lacked irrigational irrigational facilities                                                              and depended only on the Monsoon season.

2. Small and Scattered holding :    - A plot of land was divided and further sub- divided.                                                                           therefore  resulting in less production.

                                                         - Cultivation on such frafmented land can only be done by                                                                    labour intensive techniques.

3. Conventional Outlook :             - Socio- Economic factors like farmers conservative outlook,                                                                ignorance,illeteracy, superstition etc stand in the way of                                                                    adoption of  modern technology in agriculture

4. Deficit in Institutional Financing : - Institutional credit was quite inadequate.Thus, Indian                                                                        farmers were exploited in the hands of village money                                                                          .lenders for supply of finance.

5. Lack of Organised Marketing :       Agriculture marketing system was highly unorganised.                                                                      Thus, cultivators were exploited in the hands of                                                                                  middlemen

PLease go through the video link sent to you 

Please revise the notes for the preperation of your examination


  1. Good morning Sir. Nakul Kapur, Class 12-B.

  2. Good morning sir
    Shashwat Jain 12-B

  3. Good morning sir. Keshav khurana 12-B

  4. Good morning sir Utkarsh heer 12b

  5. Good morning sir
    karman singh

  6. Good morning sir Mohammad Abdullah 12-b

  7. Good Morning sir
    Ishaan Malik 12-B

  8. Good morning sir John Pius XII B

  9. Good morning sir
    Amaan swaleh 12B
