Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Corporate form of business ( Joint Stock Company)

Date : 16.April.2020
Sub  : Entrepreneurship
Day  : 2
Time : 10am -10:45
Period : 4

Learning Outcomes

  • Definition of Joint Stock Company
  • Meaning of Joint Stock Company
  • Characteristics of Joint Stock Company
  • Difference between Private and Public company
A very good moorning Gentlemen
In our last class we had just finished our Non Corporate forms of business ( Sole Proprietorship,Partnership and Joint Hindu Family.
We are now entering the 2nd part of Forms of Business which is the Joint Stock Company.
We will begin with the meaning and definition of  ny.Joint Stock Company
Next we have 10 Characteristics of a  Joint Stock Company
Please make sure you listen to every word that is explained in the video link.
You can then memorise the Headings and write the explanation in your own words.
We will also learn the difference between a Private and a Public Company.
I now invite you to watch the video link 
Please excuse yourself from watching the Formalities of setting up or Registering for a Joint Stock Company.That is not in your syllabus

Now what i want you to do is take out your exercise copies
Write down the definition of Joint Stock Company.
Write down the characteristics of Joint Stock Company.
Sending you the notes for the difference between Private company and Public company


  1. good morning sir
    present sir
    Arnav Mendiratta

  2. Good morning sir .
    Shubham Sharma.
    Present sir.

  3. Present sir Christopher D'Rosario

  4. Good morning sir Pranoy Present

  5. Morning sir it's Morgan
    Sorry sir there was some problem

  6. Good morning sir
    Naman this side

  7. Good Morning sir
    Anmol Dungdung

  8. good afternoon sir
    Arnav Mendiratta
    present sir
