Thursday, April 23, 2020

Myths of Entrepreneurship

Date : 24.April.2020
Sub  : Entrepreneurship
Day  : 4
Time : 7.30am -8.10am
Period : 1
Class    : 11

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will clarify thier doubt about misconceptions of entrepreneurship
  • How crazy ideas create great innovations
  • Help them to create an innovative thought process
A very good morning students

Thank you for logging in

Today we will be doing the Myths of Entrepreneurship

A myth  is a widely held but false belief or idea.

There are various myths about entrepreneurship which are :
  • Starting a business is easy
  • It takes a lot of money to finance a new business
  • Start up's can't be financed with debt
  • Bank don't lend money to start -ups
  • Most entrepreneurs start business in attractive industries
  • The growth of a start-up depends more on an entrepreneur's talent than on the business he chooses
  • Most enterprises are successful financially
Myths of Entrepreneurship
By myths of entrepreneurship we mean the believes about the creation and running of enterprises in our country. The most common are the following;
  • Starting an entrepreneurship is easy in our society but running for a long term is difficult.
  • A lot of money needed in the form of capital to run a new business.
  • A lot of entrepreneurs use debt rather than equity to fund their enterprises.
  • Only in certain cases, Banks lend money to start – ups .
  • Most entrepreneurs start businesses in attractive industries.
  • The growth of start –up depends more on an entrepreneur’s talents than on the business he chooses.
  • Most creative product producing enterprises are successful financially.
Please go through the link sent to you

Dear boys i would like you to go through your e-book  Entrepreneurship on page 12 where we have Myths of Entrepreneurship.
You are required to learn the notes that i have sent you and read through page 12 


  1. Good morning sir
    Erick Anthony Francis

  2. Good mrng sir, Paras Paul present

  3. Good morning sir do we have to write these notes in the register

  4. Good morng sir. This is Aditya Jonathan Singh 11 F
