Sunday, April 26, 2020

Project Details

Date : 27.4.2020
Sub  : Economics
Class : 12
Day   : 5
Period : 6
Time    : 11:35am- 12:20pm

Learning Outcomes

  • Get details of the project to be submitted
  • Topics that can be chosen from the details given
I hope the Test went well.

Thank you for attempting the test.

Im sending you the details of the project work that you will be submitting to me.

Task 1:
Let's begin with the project that needs to be made in class 12. It's time to choose a topic and start planning the project. Once a topic or two have been shortlisted by you, search the net to gather information about the same. If you feel you'll be able get enough material to make a good, comprehensive project, finalise the topic. Inform me about the topic chosen by you as soon as we meet in school. The topics are available on a first come - first serve you have no time to lose!

Go through the following document very carefully. Everything you need to know about how to make a good project has been mentioned in detail.
Suggested topics(as per CBSE guidelines) have been mentioned....choose sensibly.

Will also send videos on the class WhatsApp group of four projects of the last academic session to give you an idea of how to present the project. Mind you, these are four average projects, not the best. So yours can be much much better😁
All the best!

CLASS XII PROJECT: ECONOMICS (Code No.  030)               (Mr D.Mathew)

Discussion of blueprint of project:  April 2020
Last Date of submission of final project: 15th July 2020
Students are supposed to pick any ONE of the suggested topics for the project.
 Class XII topics :
·Micro and Small Scale Industries                                                      ·Food Supply Channel in India
·Contemporary Employment situation in India                                  ·Disinvestment policy of the government
·Medical tourism and its Impact on GDP                                                            ·Health Expenditure(of any state)
·Human Development Index                                                                                ·Inclusive Growth Strategy
·Self-help groups                                                                                  ·Trends in Credit availability in India
·Monetary policy committee and its functions                                   ·Role of RBI in Control of Credit
·Government Budget & its Components                                                            ·Trends in budgetary condition of India
·Exchange Rate determination –Methods and Techniques                             ·Currency War –reasons and repercussions
·Livestock –Backbone of Rural India                                                  ·Alternate fuel –types and importance
·Sarwa Shiksha Abhiyan –Cost Ratio Benefits                                  ·Golden Quadrilateral-Cost ratio benefit
·Relation between Stock Price Index and Economic Health of Nation           ·Minimum Support Prices
·Waste Management in India –Need of the hour                                               ·Minimum Wage Rate –approach and Application
·Digital India-Step towards the future                                                 ·Rain Water Harvesting –a solution to water crises
·Vertical Farming –an alternate way                                                    ·Silk Route-Revival of the past
·Make in India –The way ahead                                                          ·Bumper Production-Boon or Bane for the farmer
·Rise of Concrete Jungle-Trend Analysis                                          ·Organic Farming –Back to the Nature
·        - Solar Energy, a Cost Effective Comparison with Conventional Energy Sources
         -Tourism and its contribution to India’s GDP      ·                   -  Growth strategies of China and India - a comparison
· -Poverty Alleviation programmes – a critical analysis         ·                 -Any other topic
Project must cover the following 4 points in about 30-40 handwritten pages…3500 – 4000 words ( as per CBSE guidelines ) :
1. Purpose of study/ Relevance of the topic :  (3 marks)
 Choose the topic wisely. It would be easier to take a topic from the syllabus itself. Justify why you have chosen the topic. What is the significance of the project? State the Aim and Objectives of the Study and the methodology used.
About 5-6 pages;  hand-written pages including the introduction, relevance and scope of the topic. Make sure to make it look interesting and sensible.
2.  Content of the project: (6 marks)
 Describe the content of the project in detail, covering all aspects of the topic comprehensively. About 20-30  handwritten pages of properly researched, organized and edited content.
·          The explanation of the content should be such that it looks like your own work, not copied material from some website/s.
·         Note: It is a project and not a thesis. Be precise and cover the project topic thoroughly. The content page limit would depend on the nature of the project. However, ideal size may be 12 or 15 pages excluding the purpose of study. It’s okay if you have only 10 -12 pages but the topic must be fully covered.
·         Case studies are a must for most topics. A single detailed case study or brief mention of 2 -3 case studies (or relevant examples of market situations) etc are essential to make the project relevant and comprehensive.
·         In certain topics, there are interesting related studies . Research and include such studies.
·         Conclude/ summarise with your observations/ final analysis/ recommendations/ suggestions (if any) Also include Student’s views/perception/ opinion and learning from the topic. (about 2- 3 pages}
Tip: Avoid writing long paragraphs with irrelevant information and do not repeat. Do not try to fit in too much information on a single page – distribute appropriately.

Expected Checklist for the main content of the project:
·Introduction of topic/title
·Identifying the causes, consequences and/or remedies
·Various stakeholders and effect on each of them
·Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified
·Short-term and long-term implications of economic strategies suggested in the course of research
·Validity, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for research work and for presentation in the project file
·Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file
·Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes, resources section, bibliography etc
3. Presentation technique (3 marks)    
Make the project look appealing and presentable. Must try to use
·         Statistical data (make sure to quote the source)
·          Bar graphs & pie charts (wherever possible)
·          Data Tables/ tabular presentation of written information/ bullet points
·          Neat, attractive figures/ diagrams ( don’t forget to label the X & Y axes and name the curves)
·         Primary data collected through questionnaires, if possible
·         Relevant and attractive pictures
4. Viva voce: (8 marks)
Students must learn the concepts related to the project as they would be required to face questions related to the project in viva-voce stage of the final presentation of the project. Ensure you understand the project, its concepts, case studies and conclusion well.
Must know the topic (and all related portions from the syllabus) very well. You have to face viva from the external examiner.
Marking Scheme for project: 
S. No.
Marks Allotted
Relevance of the topic
Knowledge Content/Research Work
Presentation Technique
Viva voce

20 Marks

1.       Attractive Cover  (with Title, name of student & Board roll no.)
2.       Title page : give a suitable title such that it represents the project well *
3.       Certificate of authenticity *
4.       Student’s  Acknowledgement *
5.       Index (Table of Contents)
6.       Introduction to the topic  / Purpose
7.       Main content
8.       Conclusion/ summary/ student’s views and learnings
9.       Bibliography/ References – Quote the source of all information used to maintain authenticity
10.    Project Evaluation Performa *
( * Use the formats given below)
A ) *Title page  :   1. Topic
2. Details of the student ( at the bottom)  Name ;  School ;  Year ;  CBSE roll number
B )  *Certificate of Authenticity :
This is to certify that _________bearing CBSE roll. No. _______   is a student of class XII in St. Columba’s School.
He has successfully completed the project under my guidance and supervision for the Practical examination in Economics conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education for the academic year _________.
Date of Submission : _______
Name of Subject teacher :  Mr. D . Mathew
Teacher’s signature :  _____________                      External Examiner’s signature_____________
C ) * Student’s Acknowledgement
I, __________ , do hereby declare that this project is my original work and I would like to thank Mr. D. Mathew, my Economics teacher, for his wholehearted support and guidance in making it possible to complete this project on time.
I would also like to thank CBSE for giving me this opportunity to widen my knowledge base by introducing this topic of study.
I would also like to thank my friends and family members for their kind support and guidance without which this project could not have been completed.
Student’s signature : __________      Name _____________   CBSE  Roll No. _____________________
D ) * Project Evaluation Performa
Student’s name :  ________
CBSE roll no. :  _________
Class and section : _________
Teacher’s assessment :

S. No.
Marks Allotted
Relevance of the topic

Knowledge Content/Research Work

Presentation Technique


Total Marks

Overall Remarks : ________________________________________________________________

Internal teacher’s Signature : ________                                        External Teacher’s signature : _____________
Date : __________



  1. Good morning Sir. Nakul Kapur,Class 12-B.

  2. Good morning sir dominic Gomes 12B

  3. Good morning sir
    Meet Sethi 12 B

  4. Good morning sir
    Mohammad Abdullah 12-B

  5. Good morning sir
    Mohammad Abdullah 12-B

  6. Good morning sir John Pius XII B

  7. Sir do i have to inform you the topic that i have chosen??
    And do we have to make the project while we are at home in lockdown??

  8. Good morning sir Utkarsh heer 12b

  9. Thank you for such amazing CBSE project for economics. I will visit often for CBSE Projects .
