Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Non -Corporate form of Business ( Partnership)

Date : 8.April.2020
Sub  : Entrepreneurship
Day  : 5
Time : 10am -10:45
Period : 4

Learning Outcomes

  • Forms of Business
  • What are Corporate and Non Corporate forms of Business
  • What is a Partnership form of Business
  • Characteristics of Partnership
  •  Consequences of not registring a Partnership form of Business
A very good morning students.
Today we are going to learn about the second form of non corporate form of business.
We are going to learn about  Partnership

It is very important to learn the definition of  Partnership .
Next we need to memorise all the Characteristics of Partnership.
Suitability of Partnership 
A Partnership can be formed Orally ( by word of mouth) or it can be written.
A written Partnership is called a Partnership Deed. 
There are consequences of not registring a Partnership. This is very important from the point of view of the examination.Please make sure that you listen to everything that is being said in the video.
While you are watching and listening to the video make sure you are making notes.
If you have your own notes , it will be very helpful for you while preparing for your exams.
Remember that your notes will be in your own words and will be much easier for you to learn.

Registration Formalities is not in your syllabus therefore you can skip that part of the video.
I now invite you to have a look at the video link given below


Your assignment for the day

  1. Write down the definition of  Partnership
  2. Expalin any 6 Characteristics of Partnership
  3. What is a Partnership Deed.Enumerate what are the things in a Partnership Deed
  4. If Admin, Ashmit and Arnav are Partners but they do not Register their Partnership.What do you think will be the result of such an action.


  1. Morning sir Rosario this side

  2. Good morning sir .
    Shubham Sharma.
    Present sir.

  3. Good Morning sir
    Anmol Dungdung
    Present sir

  4. good morning sir samyak jain is present
