Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Obesity: Procedure, Benefits and Conraindications

Date : 30.April.2020
Sub  : Physical Education 
Day  : 3
Time : 8:20am -9am
Period : 2
CLASS : 12

Learning Outcomes

  • Asanas for controlling Obesity
  • Calculation of BMI
  • Meaning of Obesity
  • Procedure,Benefits and Contraindications of the asanas.

A very good morning students.

Thank you for logging in

Yesterdat we had learnt the Benefits of Asanas for prevention of diseases

Today we will continue from where we had left.

We will be learning the Asanas for prevention of Obesity

Obesity :  -" Obesity is that condition of the body in which the amount of fat increases to                                   extreme  levels".

                  - It can also be defined as "the condition when an individual weighs 20% more than                       the ideal weight."

                   - An adult with a BMI  more than or equal to 30 than the ideal BMI  is usually                                 considered to be obese

                    - C onsidering the number of health risks associated with Obesity , it has been                                declared as a Diseases.

Obesity can be prevented as well as cured if the following asanas are performed regularly.

Sending you notes from the chapter. Please go through them 

We will now go through the video link given to you yesterday.
We shall start watching it from 6 minutes onwards.
The explanation of all the asanas have been given very well.
Please read through the text book pages and then watch the video.

Sending you the same video link i had sent yesterday

Your assignment
1. Write the definition of Obesity
2. What is the procedure of performing Vajraasana? Write two benefits and contraindinations of the asanas
3.What is the procedure of performing Pada Hastasana? Write two benefits and contraindinations of the asanas
4.What is the procedure of performing Trikonasana? Write two benefits and contraindinations of the asanas
5.What is the procedure of performing Ardhmatseyendrasana? Write two benefits and contraindinations of the asanas


  1. Hello good morning sir
    Simon D'Souza
    Present sir

  2. Good Morning sir
    Anmol Dungdung

  3. Christopher D'Rosario present sir

  4. good morning sir
    Naman this side sir

  5. Good Morning Sir Pranoy Present

  6. Good morning sir.
    Shubham Sharma.
    Present sir.

  7. Good Morning sir
    Present Sir
    Arnav Mendiratta

  8. Gm sir,
    This side Sushant Birla 12-F
    Present sir.
