Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Sports Nutrition and its Effect on Performance

Date : 9.April.2020
Sub  : Physical Education
Day  : 1
Time : 11:35am -12:20pm
Period : 6

Learning Outcomes

  • To expalin various effects of Nutrition on Sports performance
  • Intake of Nutrition Before, During and after competetion
  • Food supplements for children
A very good morning gentle men
We come to the third part of the chapter.
We are going to learn about the Nutrition that Sports people should take Before ,during and after competetion
We will also learn the effects of diet on performance
The essential Nutrients required are listed below

  • Fat
  • Carbohydrate
  • Protein
  • Vitamin
  • Mineral
  • Water
We are also going to learn what are the food supplements required for children.Its benefits and Dis Advantages
I invite you to watch the video link given below

Your assignment

  1. Make a list of list of essential diet items that give you nutrition.
  2. Write short notes on Nutrition Before ,During and After competetion
  3. What precautions should be taken while taking food supplements


  1. Good morning sir.
    Shubham Sharma.
    Present sir.

  2. Good Morning sir
    Anmol Dungdung

  3. Good morning sir
    Simon dsouza-12F
    Present sir

  4. Morning sir Christopher D'Rosario this side

  5. Sports nutrition is good performance. Nutritious diet should meet most of an athlete's vitamin and mineral needs and provide protein, muscle growth and repair. Athlete’s can get good nutrition from food, grains. I have got more information They are providing good tips about dietitian and nutrition.
