Thursday, April 23, 2020

Notes chapter 1 Planning in sports PART 1

Date : 24.April.2020
Sub  : Physical Education
Day  : 4
Time : 12: 20pm -1pm
Period : 7
CLASS : 12

Learning Outcomes

  • Students revise the chapter
  • Students know their understanding of the chapter
  • Clarify doubts in the chapter
A very good  morning students 
Thank you for logging in

Dear students i am sending you notes for Planning in Sports.
It is not for the whole chapter it is just a portion of the chapter.
I will be sending you some more in your next class
Please start learning from the notes

Meaning and objectives of planning:

Planning is an intellectual process of thinking in advance about setting of goals and developing strategies which are requires to attain the goals efficiently.
Meaning and objectives of planning: “Planning is a way to systematize, direct and organize the events or competitions and extract the advantage and benefit of the available resources.”
“Planning is the process of making a sequence of work for a future line of action”
The success of Physical education programs depends upon efficient staffing, food, direction, proper control, well super vision, good co-ordination and minimize the chances of lapses.

Objectives of planning:

a. To keep control over all activities which suggests that planning & control are connected with each other.
b. it also helps in keeping a good control in organizing a tournament.
c. b. Reduce the chances of mistake
d. It suggests programmes can be conducted with proper coordination with least mistakes rather focusing on success.
e. To promote innovative ideas.
f. To provide direction towards the goal
g. To reduce undue pressure
h.To provide proper co-ordination among the committees.
i.To have good control over all the activities.j.To improve efficiency.
k.To reduce the chances of mistakes.
l.To increase the creativity.
m.To enhance the sports performance.
n.To protect existing facilities.
o.Provide new facilities to meet demand.
p.Helps in decision making.

Various committees and responsibilities:

Different committees work together for the smooth conduct of the sports events.The various committees are:
(ì) Technical Committee: This committee is responsible for the technical conduct or the Emmis. This committee selects various officials such as referees, judges, starters, umpires, time keepers etc.
(ii) Transport Committee;This committee is responsible for providing the facilities regarding transportation of various teams If the venue of sports events.
(ììì) Reception Committee: The members of this committee are responsible to welcome the Chief Guest and spectators at opening and closing ceremonies.
(ìv) Boarding and Lodging Committee: This committee is responsible for making necessary arrangements for providing accommodation and serving meals to the sportspersons Abel other officials,
(v) Ground and Equipment Committee :This committee males necessary arrangements of equipment related to events.
(vi) Medical and First Aid Committee: This committee i5 Formed to provide medical assistance. e to participants round the clock
(vii) Protest Committee :it’s protest against a judgment, the members of this committee decide about it.
(viii) Publicity Committee: All the press releases and press conferences are conflicted by Who’s committee.
(ix) Finance Committee: This committee is assigned to make the budget for the event and handle the expenses.
(x) Refreshment Committee :This committee is formed to profile refreshment to the participants.


A tournament is a competition involving relatively large number of competitors, all participating in a sports or game. It is a series of contests with several rounds in which many contestants compete, individually or as a team to decide the winner. In other words, tournament is a series of contests in which a number of contestants compete and the one that prevails through the final round or that finishes with the best record is declared the winner.
1.3 Tournament: A series of sports competitions, in which, a team finally wins and rest of the participating teams lose the matches. It depends on various factors i.e… – No. of participating teams, availability of grounds and equipment,
No. of days and funds.
Importance of tournaments are –
Source of Recreation; A large number of people go to watch various games and sports for getting recreation. Sports tournaments provide ample recreation to the spectators. Development of Social Qualities: Social qualities such as cooperation, tolerance, sympathy, group cohesion, brotherhood and discipline are developed among participants through sports tournaments.

Importance of tournament

  • The sportsman learns the discipline by playing tournaments.
  • The sportsman meets other sportsman at a single platform.
  • He learns ethical values such as honesty, fair play, respect for others.
  • Tournaments provides recreation to all, i.e… organizers, spectators, students.

Type of tournament:

  • Knock out: In this type of tournament, the team once defeated, gets eliminated from the tournament. Only the winning teams contest in the next rounds. Opportunities are given to the winning players/teams.
  • League: In single league tournament all participating teams compete once, with each other, where as in double league, each team plays with every as in double league, each team plays with every other team twice, without any consideration of victory or defeat.
  • Combination Tournaments: Combination tournaments are organized in group or zonal matches. Whenever there is a large number of teams, combination tournaments facilitate the Physical Education Teachers, job. It gives them elbow room to try out new experiments.
  • There are mainly four types of combination tournaments:
1. Knock out cum Knock out
2. League cum league
3. Knock out cum league
4. League cum Knock out
  • Challenge Tournament: This type of tournament comes handy when there are one to one contests or
  • there are two players on each side. One player challenges the other and the other player accepts the challenge. Games in which such tournaments are held are – Boxing, Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton etc
  • Fixtures in such tournaments are decided according to :
    1. Ladder Method
    2. Physical Method
    3. Cobweb Method
    Various types of tournaments are
    (í) Knock-out tournament
    (ii)League tournament
    (iii) Combination tournament
    (iv) Challenge tournament

    Knock out tournaments:

    In knock out tournaments, the teams which gets eliminated gets automatically eliminated from the tournament.
    In this type of tournament, if a team is defeated once, it gets eliminated. Only the winners continue in the competition. It is the fastest method to know about the winner team in the tournament.
    Seeding a Team:- The sorting of the teams and fitting them in the fixtures so that the stronger teams do not meet each other in earlier rounds is known as Seeding. This method is good if we know the real strong teams. The organizers should find out the real strong teams from the previous tournaments or old records figure starting a new tournament.


    Bye is a privilege given to a team, genre by drawing lots, exempting it from plays first   round.Planning in Sports class 12 Notes Physical Education
    Bye:- The advantage given to a team usually by drawing a lot, and exempting it from paying a match in the first round is known as Bye. These are given to a specific number of teams in the first round. The number of byes are decided by subtracting the number of teams from the next higher number which is in power of two’s.
    Bye Next Higher No-no of Team [2n-no of teams]
    The procedure of giving byes is as follows:
    • The first bye is given to last team of lower half.
    • The second bye is given to first team of upper half.
    • In this type of tournament, if a team is defeated once, it gets eliminated. Only the winners continue in the competition. It is the fastest method to know about the winner team in the tournament.
      Seeding a Team:- The sorting of the teams and fitting them in the fixtures so that the stronger teams do not meet each other in earlier rounds is known as Seeding. This method is good if we know the real strong teams. The organizers should find out the real strong teams from the previous tournaments or old records figure starting a new tournament.


      Bye is a privilege given to a team, genre by drawing lots, exempting it from plays first   round.Planning in Sports class 12 Notes Physical Education
      Bye:- The advantage given to a team usually by drawing a lot, and exempting it from paying a match in the first round is known as Bye. These are given to a specific number of teams in the first round. The number of byes are decided by subtracting the number of teams from the next higher number which is in power of two’s.
      Bye Next Higher No-no of Team [2n-no of teams]
      The procedure of giving byes is as follows:
      • The first bye is given to last team of lower half.
      • The second bye is given to first team of upper half.
      • he third bye is given to first team of lower half
      • The fourth bye if given to last team of upper half.
      • The next bye or byes will be given in the same order as described above.
      • Advantages of knock out tournament:
        • These are less expensive.
        • Helpful in enhancing standard of sports.
        • It requires less time to complete the tournament.
        • Minimum no. of officials are required.
        • Disadvantages of knock out tournament:
          • There are many chances of elimination of good teams in preliminary rounds.
          • There are many chances of weak teams to enter in the final round.
          • Spectators may not have enough interest in the final round.