Thursday, April 16, 2020

State of Agriculture of the Indian economy at the Eve of Independence

Date : 17.4.2020
Sub  : Economics
Class : 12
Day   : 3
Period : 5
Time    : 10:45am-11:25am

Learning Outcomes
  • State of Agriculture on the Eve of Independence
  • Students need to learn the Characteristics of Indian Agriculture 
  • Reasons leading to Backwardness of Indian Agriculture
A very good morning students.
Im going to take up the State of Agriculture on the Eve of Independence
There are firstly a few characteristics that have to seen regarding agriculture in India
The video link that i will be asking you to see has only 4 characteristics namely
  • Low Production and Productivity
  • High degree of Uncertainity
  • Dominance of Subsistence farming
  • Small and fragmented Land Holdings
The point missed in the video is Landlord Tenant Relations :During the British rule ,the owners of land were not the actual tillers of land.They were only interested in coolecting maximum land revenue(taxes) from the farmers.

I now invite you to watch the video link given below.
While you are watching the video i request you to make your own notes.
Please go through the video link given below

I hope that you have made necessasary notes for yourself.

Next we are going to see the Factors Leading to Backwardness of Indian Agriculture

In your copies boys i would like you to write down the Charateristics of Agriculture on the Eve of Independence and explain it in your own words.


  1. Good morning sir
    Armaan Oberoi 12-B

  2. Good morning sir Anmol Gupta 12 B

  3. Good morning sir
    Meet Sethi 12 B

  4. Good morning sir
    Utkarsh Heer 12 B

  5. good morning sir shashwat singh 12 b

  6. Good Morning sir
    Justen Mathew 12-B

  7. Good Morning Sir
    Jot Parkash

  8. Good morning sir
    Amaan swaleh 12B

  9. Good Morning sir
    Swaraj Swarup Aggarwal
    XII B

  10. Good morning sir dominic Gomes 12B

  11. Good morning sir John Pius XII B

  12. Good morning Sir.Nakul Kapur ,class 12-B
