Monday, April 20, 2020


Date : 21.4.2020
Sub  : Economics
Class : 11
Day   : 1
Period : 5
Time   : 8:20am -9am

Learning Outcomes

  • Better understanding of the chapter
  • Students revise the concepts that they are weak in
Thank you for logging in agains
Students i will not be starting the next chapter today.
We can do that from tomorrow
For this period i am sending you some important questions on the first chapter 
Please go through them carefully 
They will be useful for you in the preperation of your examination

Some important questions are given below

Once you have seen your score in the previous class i want you to revise the chapter well.

your assignment 

1) Explain the limitation of Statistics
2) Statistics is defined as aggregate of Numerical facts.Give a few examples
3) Distinguish between Quantitative and qualitative data ,and give wxamples of both
4) Define Statistics as a Singular noun and as a Plural noun.

you will have to write the answers in your exercise copies.

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