Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Yoga and Lifestyle

Date : 29.April.2020
Sub  : Physical Education
Day  : 2
Time : 11:35am- 12:20pm
Period : 6
CLASS : 12

Learning Outcomes

  • Asanas as a Preventive Measure
  • Benefits of Asanas for preventive diseases
  • Meaning of Asanas
A very good morning students 

Thank you for logging in

Today we start with our 4th chapter which is Yoga and Lifestyle

In your text book it is chapter 3.

We will be learning of  meaning of asanas and the benefits of asanas as aprevention of Diseases

Meaning of Asana according to Patanjali : "is that position which is comfortable and steady"

According to Brahamanopanishads," To sit in a comfortable positionor posture for everlasting period is called asana"

Benefits of Asanas for Prevention of Diseases:   There are various benefits of asanas 

  1. Bones and Joints become Strong
  2. Muscles become Strong
  3. Circulation of Blood becomes Normal
  4. Respiratory Organs become Efficient
  5. Nervous system Strengthens
  6. Glandular Activity is Stimulated and Regulated Properly
  7. Efficiency of Excretory System Enhances
  8. Immune System is Strengthened
  9. Efficiency of Digestive system increases

Dear boys the video link that is given below shows more than what we are going to do today in class.

We will restrict our class to only how much i have done in my blog.

Please watch the video link not more than 6 minutes

In our next class i shall go beyond it

Please open the link given below to understand our topic for the day better

Your assignment is to make notes of whatever has been explained in the video.