Thursday, April 16, 2020

Entrepreneurship Introduction class

Date : 17.4.2020
Sub  : Entrepreneurship
Class : 11
Day   : 3
Period : 1
Time   : 7:30am - 8: 10am

A very good Morning Gentlemen.
Welcome to class 11F.
Wish you all the very best for the year ahead.
Let us begin the day with a Prayer.

11 Simple Prayers in English - Basic Prayers of Thanks
We also pray to our Lord to take us safely in these troubled times
May god help  to overcome all difficulties faced with with so many of our fellow beings

We are going to take a walk down the road as to what is the life of an Entrpreneur must be.
He is a person who will always try to create and innovate something useful for the socity and earn money in return.
I promise im not going to teach you anything from the text book today.
That we can start from tomorrow.

What we are going to do today is watch a Short Film on Ambani.
The story tells you how we can create something worthwhile for ourselves .only if we have the determination.
I request you to watch the Film till the end.I can assure you that you will enjoy the story.

I now invite you to watch the Short Film .
The link has been given below to you

I hope you enjoyed the film and learnt something.

Your assignment will be naming the Entrpreneurs  .Guess ????
I know you will beable to get all of them
 10 Famous Entrepreneurs Who Failed in Business Before Becoming ...      Top 5 Most Successful American Entrepreneurs

Name the prominent Indian entrepreneurs?

Here are a few famous Ex-Columbans who have made it big in the field of entrepreneurship



  1. Good morning sir this side Ainesh Paul class 11F

  2. Good morning sir
    Austin Nathaniel
    Class 11-F

  3. Good morning sir
    Erick Anthony Francis

  4. Good Morning sir
    Akshit Wadhawan 11-F

  5. Good Morning Sir,
    Sabhya Singh
    11 F
