Monday, April 27, 2020

An Entrepreneur

Date : 28.April.2020
Sub  : Entrepreneurship
Day  : 1
Time : 7.30am -8.10am 
Period : 1 
Class    : 11

Learning Outcomes

  • Differentiate between various types of entrepreneurs
  • Characteristics of different types of entrepreneurs
A very good morning students

Thankyou for logging in

We have completed our first chapter in Entrepreneurship.

Tomorrow you have a class revision test.Make sure you prepare well for it.

Today we are going to start with the secon chapter which is An Entrepreneur

Today our focus of study will be the Types of Entrepreneurs.

Types of Entrepreneurs
        Entrepreneurs are creative individuals who conducts lots of innovative businesses. Some may prefer to carry forward the business alone and share the business with others. They are in different forms , may be the farmers, labourers, fisherman, artisans, importers, exporters, bankers, professionals, etc. Lots of classifications available about entrepreneurs . They are ;

1. Innovative Entrepreneur
        Innovative entrepreneurs are those who introduces new products, new methods of production techniques or discovers a new market or new services etc. they are commonly found in developed countries. They are aggressive in nature and they always try to make the idea successful one.

2. Imitative Entrepreneur
        This type of entrepreneurs always tries to copy the innovations made by innovative entrepreneurs. They are organizers of factors of production  rather than creators. They contribute to the under developed countries. They are adaptive and more flexible.

3. Fabian Entrepreneurs
        Fabian Entrepreneurs are very shy an lazy . They are very cautious . They do not venture or take risk . They are rigid and fundamental in their approach . they follow the foot steps of their predecessors .

4. Drone Entrepreneurs
        This type of entrepreneurs are conventional in their approach . They refuse to copy or use opportunities that come their way. They are not ready to make changes in their existing production methods even if they suffer losses. They resist changes.

Please go through the videos link given below to understand the concept better.

Your assignment
Identify the type of Entrepreneur
1.Such Entrepreneurs follow the footsteps of their predecessors ___________________
2. They have  a Conventional( traditional) approach  ______________
3. Are commonly found in Developed countries ______________
4.Are adaptive and more flexible ______________


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