Monday, April 27, 2020

Planning in Sports Notes ( continued)

Date : 28.April.2020
Sub  : Physical Education
Day  : 1
Time : 11:35am- 12:20pm
Period : 6
CLASS : 12

Learning Outcomes

  • Students revise the chapter
  • Students know their understanding of the chapter
  • Clarify doubts in the chapter
A very good  morning students 
Thank you for logging in

Dear students i am sending you notes for the rest of the chapter  Planning in Sports.
It is to carry forward the notes that i had given in my previous class
Please start learning from the notes
I will be taking a test on Thursday for the first chapter

Please study the notes that are given below

Methods of Preparing Fixtures for Knock-out Tournaments:-

1. Total number of teams participating in the tournament
2. Total number of matches to be played in the tournament
Formula for calculating number of matches=n-1,where n is the total number of teams participating in the tournament.

3. Total number of rounds played in the tournament depends upon two things:-

a. The number of teams playing in the tournament

b. The higher nearest number from the total number of teams of power of two’s = 2 to the power of n

4. Method of determining the number of teams in upper half and lower half:-

a. If he number of teams is even, then equal number of teams will be divided in both halves i.e…- n/2,where n is the total number of teams.

b. If the number of teams is odd, the following method is applied:
Number of teams in upper half=(n+1)/2,where n=number of teams.
Number of teams in lower half=(n-1)/2,where n=number of teams
5. The number of byes is a knock-out tournament are decided by subtracting total number of teams from the next higher nearest number in power of two’s

Draw a knock out fixture of 17 teams?

No. of teams = 17,
Total No. of matches = N-1 = 17-1 = 16
No. of teams in upper half N+1/2 = 17+ 1 = 9
No. of teams in lower half N-1/2 = 17 – 1 = 8
Total no. of byes = 32- 17 =15 byes,
No. of byes in upper half = NB-1/2 = 15 – 1 = 7
No. of byes in lower half = NB + 1/2 = 15 + 1 = 8
Total rounds = 4

League tournament:

In this type each team plays with every otgher team once if it is a single league tournament and each team plays with every other team twice if it is a double league tournament.

Cyclic method:

In cyclic method, If the number of teams is in even number, the team number 1 is fixed on the top of right-hand side and then other team numbers in ascending order consecutively downward and then upward on the left-hand side and then from the next round teams will rotate in clockwise direction. If the number of teams is odd then the bye is fixed on the top of right hand side and rest of the procedure will remain same. If the number of team is even number than number of rounds will be (N-1).  If the number of teams is odd number then number of rounds will be equal to number of teams.
Fixture- No of matches=n(n-1)/2 = 8(8-1)/2 =28
No. of rounds=N-1= 8-1=7
Fixture- Cyclic method
1st round
2nd round
3rd round
4th round
5th round
6th round
7th round

(b) Cyclic Method : In cyclic method, if the number of teams is even, the team number 1 is fixed on the top of right-hand side and other teams in ascending order consecutively downward and then upward on the left side and rotate them clockwise. If the number of teams is odd, then bye is fixed on top right side and the rest procedure remains same. The number of rounds in case of even number of teams will be -1, where n = number of teams. The number of rounds in case of odd number of teams will be n, where = number of teams.

1.4 B. Method for draw of fixture in league tournament:-
(a) Stair-case Method: In stair-case method, the fixtures are made just like a ladder or a stair- case. In this method, no bye is given to any team and there is no problem of even or odd number of teams.

Combination tournament:

Combination tournaments are conducted when the matches are to be played on group basis or zonal basis. These tournaments depend on the suitability of the activity, the number of participating teams and the areas and distance from which they come to participate. Depending upon the number of teams in each zone and the availability of time, he tournament can be organized on the basis of knockout or league and after that national level tournament can also be conducted either on knockout or league basis.



Meaning of Intramural:-
Intramural is derived from the Latin word’ Intra” and “muralist’.”Intra” means “within” and “Muralist” means ‘Waif .So we can say that the activities, which are performed within the walls or within the campus of an institution ,are called ‘Intramural”.
The intramural sports means competitions within the walls or within the school, i.e. being or occurring within the limits usually of a community, organization, or institution. This programme offers the school community the opportunity to participate in organized sports competition. The rules of the games/ sports are modified accordingly, if needed.
Objectives of Intramural:-
  • To provide opportunity to every student to participate in Games and Sports
  • To develop Leadership Qualities among students
  • To develop Feeling of Cooperation
  • To provide Recreation
  • To develop the Feeling of Sportsmanship
  • To provide opportunity to learn a variety of games and Skills
  • To provide opportunity to get Experience of Organization of Competitions
  • To find out talented Sport persons
  • To provide opportunity to Develop personality

Extramural sports satisfy the need for structured sports activities between students from various schools, organizations, or institutions. Extramural means competitions outside walls or boundaries, as of a city or town or a university. These tournaments will be organized on a zonal, regional, state or national CBSE tournaments, SGFI tournaments etc.

Extramural is derived from the Latin words “Extra” and “Waif”. So, we can say that the activities which are performed outside the walls of an institution or school, are known as “extramural”.
Objectives of extramural:
  • To provide Experience to Students
  • To improve the Standard of Sports
  • To broaden the Base of Sports
  • To develop Sportsmanship and Fraternity
  • To provide knowledge of New Rules and Advanced Techniques
Significance of intramurals and extramurals:
  • Helps in providing the ways and means for the development self esteem, citizenship, responsibility, sportsmanship, and skills in co-operative behavior.
  • Helps in providing take part in activities that encourages active participation, enjoyment, and fun without external pressure or reward.
  • Helps in providing to reinforce the concept that winning is less important than preparing to win. Losing should not be the same as failure, nor success the same as winning.
  • Helps in providing to determine participation by interest rather than skill, not limiting activities to the gifted or early maturing athlete.
  • Helps in providing opportunities for students and expose them to a wide variety of sports, skills and activities so that the may refine interest and make choices to suit their personal abilities and needs.
  • Helps in providing opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to actively engage in activities involving sports, recreation, and play while providing structure for an experimental education.

Sports and games programs are arranged in the world as well as in our country to promote the games and sports for a specific cause. Every country in the world has some or other cause for promoting specific sports programs.

The programs motivate and 
create the feeling to take part in these sports programs. People become health-conscious and try to remain fit and stay healthy for as long as possible. These specific sports programs are usually organized by the federations, state government, NGO etc. to create health consciousness among the people and take part in health-
related sports programs.

More and more people of all age groups should take part in such sports programs. Specific sports programmes are such programmes of sports which are not usually related to competitions. These programmes have various objectives such as creating awareness among peoples regarding unity, health & diseases etc.

The various important specific programs are:-


A. School–Annual Sports Day


2. HEALTH RUN: these are organised by health departments to ameliorate the standard of health in a country along with raising funds for charity.

3. RUN FOR FUN: It is also organised to spread the message among masses to remain healthy and fit. It may be organised to motivate the people to remain fit.

4. RUN FOR UNITY: It is organised to show unity and peace among the people of different religions. Its purpose may be national and international integration and brotherhood.

5. RUN FOR SPECIFIC CAUSE: This is the run related to specific or noble cause. Most of the social non- profit organisations organises these runs for creating awareness about AIDS, Educating the girl child, Cancer, etc. Mumbai and Chennai Marathons are organised for such noble purpose.