Monday, April 6, 2020

Nutritive and Non -Nutritive Components of Diet

Date : 7.April.2020
Sub  : Physical Education
Day  : 4
Time : 12:20pm -1pm
Period : 7

Learning Outcomes

  • To expalin various components of a Diet
  • Methods of controlling weight
  • Pitfalls of Dieting
  • Meaning of Food Intolerence
  • The food myths that people have
A very good afternoon gentle men
We come to the second part of the chapter.
Today we will be talking about the Nutritive and Non -Nutritive components of Diet
We have already learnt about the Nutritive components which are:
  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals  
The Non-Nutritive components of diet are well explained in the video link given below.
Non-Nutritive components of diet are
  • Fibre or Roughage
  • Water
  • Colour Compounds
  • Flavour Compounds
  • Plant Compounds
The next thing that is the Meaning of Healthy Weight and how to control a Healthy Body Weight: There are about 14 points given, you are asked to do atleast 10 points out of the 14.

The Pitfalls of Dieting- Pitfalls mean the Danger
Dieting has many dangerous effects .This has been well explained in the video link given below

Food Intolerence is the next topic 
It means the individual elements of certain foods that cannot be properly processed and absorbed by our digestive system.

Next we will be doing the Myths of food
Myths means False Beliefs- There are many wrong or false beliefs or myths about food.Listen to the video link very carefully and you will understand it well.

I now invite you to watch the video link given below    

 Your assignment for today
  1. Write down the components of Nutritive and Non- Nutritive components of diet
  2. Make a list of 10 points of how to control a healthy body weight
  3. Prepare a chart for the BMI
  4. Write down the 7 pitfalls of dieting
  5. What do you mean by Food Intolerence
  6. Make a list of Food Myths                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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